Saturday, December 27, 2008

And the best of all

FINTROLL is the glue that holds us toghether....awww big happy family

Least I forget


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I LOVE Omart
Darkmyst is Amazing
Catfine Rocks
Felleth is kinda cute in a lost puppy sorta way
Dro has a cool car
Jello is mysertious
Ram is my baby

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Guild Meeting - December 15, 2008

This guild meeting was one of the more entertaining sites to have our pow wow. We followed the request of our Guild Master, Catfine, and went to "The Den" in Durotar, which is horde territory. Here are all are laying down hoping some poor soul will stumble upon us and get confuzed before we kick their butts LMAO.

Here are the minutes for the meeting as follows.
Attending Members: Catfine, Deathbygamma, Wonnie (Briash), Fintroll, Sharifa, DrodenKong, Veckon, Nocta, Sjad, Doraann, Izara, Tonystewart, Killermache

1st order by Catfine - Asking the guild for advice on how we should structure the ranks within the guild. Should we rank as per level so toons know who they can quest/raid/instance with? Are we a social guild? Levelling guild? or a Raid Guild?

Many members had shown concern for ranking as per level. Most preferred to have it as it was before ranking as per trust level, participation, willingness to help others.

Sharifa suggested we checked out the structure of for ideas.

Result - We have decided to keep the ranking as is and promote people we see as deserving members of the guild.

2nd order by Sharifa - Thank you Sjad for the awesome raids you have co-ordinated this past week and for being an awesome member.

3rd order by Doraann - We are still waiting for funds for the website, understandbly. Should have them soon. For the time being Doraann is setting up a blog to keep the information on as well as pictures and info so that when we get the site up and running there will be lots of content to put on it.

Conclusion - We ended up parting ways but most of us decided to do a dead run to Ogrimar to do the instance within. Doraann got her butt whooped by a lvl 36 (I believe) into the instance lol...Way to go Wonnie.

The Beginning

This is the beginning for The Red Faction Guild on World of Warcraft. Here is where we will temporarily post our guild meeting minutes. As well as screen shots different members have taken of raids, instances, other fun stuff. I will also post here different sites of interest that the guild often uses.
